UPDATE: Las ofertas estarían disponibles hasta el 29 de julio. Microsoft adicionalmente confirmo que habrá nuevas reducciones de precio el 18 de junio y 16 de julio de 2024, semanas antes del cierre de la store de Xbox 360.
NOTA ORIGINAL: Desde hace mucho tiempo que una serie de descuentos no están presentes en Xbox 360. Con el anuncio del cierre de la tienda, tanto Microsoft como terceros dejaron de actualizar la vieja tienda de Xbox con diferentes ofertas.
Al menos así era hasta esta tarde cuando aparecieron decenas de rebajas de juegos no retrocompatibles, juegos destinados a desparecer digitalmente el 29 de julio. No estamos seguros de cuánto tiempo durarán exactamente estas ofertas, así que es mejor no dormirse.
Esperemos alguna confirmación de Microsoft sobre si serán descuentos temporales hasta el mes de julio o si llegarán más ofertas. Hay cientos de contenidos que al menos merecen una oferta de despedida, en especial contenidos que no se encuentran en todos loa países y son el medio más accesible para comprarlos legalmente.
Como ya saben, Colectiva Xbox ha creado guías tales como: Juegos NO retrocompatibles en Xbox 360 que serán afectados. Puedes consultar una lista propia en el blog de los contenidos retrocompatibles en formato digital o aquellos juegos que podrán seguir comprando mediante Xbox One, Xbox Series o la web de Xbox en este enlace.
ARGENTINA (ARS. Se deben agregar impuestos)
- Alien Rage $14.20
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 $49.75
- Black Knight Sword $24.75
- Child of Light $29.80
- CloudBerry Kingdom $11.00
- Enemy Front $14.20
- Far Cry 4 $89.90
- Final Exam $161.70
- Fireburst $5.50
- Handball 16 $34.90
- IHF Handball Challenge 14 $14.90
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America $5.50
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia $5.50
- Just Dance 2014 $69.80
- Just Dance Kids 2014 $39.80
- Just Dance 2015 $69.80
- Just Dance 2016 $79.80
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $29.85
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary $74.75
- Murdered: Soul Suspect $29.85
- MX vs. ATV Supercross $74.75
- My Body Coach 3 $24.90
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show $29.80
- Rise of the Tomb Raider $239.80
- Risen 3: Titan Lords $74.75
- Risk $19.80
- Risk: Urban Assault $29.80
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior $10.00
- Snipers $24.90
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory $39.80
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $74.75
- The Escapists $29.85
- THIEF $29.85
- Tomb Raider (2013) $124.75
- Trials Fusion $39.80
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War $29.80
- Watch_Dogs $49.80
- Worms: Revolution $27.50
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem $13.75
- WRC 5 $34.90
- Yar's Revenge $5.50
- Alien Rage $840.00
- Alone In The Dark (2008) $2497.00
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 $3725.00
- Black Knight Sword $1862.00
- Child of Light $1980.00
- CloudBerry Kingdom $1120.00
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon $7475.00
- Enemy Front $2499.00
- Far Cry 4 $3980.00
- Fantastic Pets $6225.00
- Fighters Uncaged $1980.00
- Final Exam $1292.00
- Fireburst $560.00
- Handball 14 $799.00
- Handball 16 $2499.00
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America $560.00
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia $560.00
- Just Dance 2014 $3980.00
- Just Dance Kids 2014 $2598.00
- Just Dance 2015 $3980.00
- Just Dance 2016 $5980.00
- Just Dance 2018 $5498.00
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $2235.00
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary $4997.00
- Mini Ninjas Adventures $840.00
- Motionsports Adrenaline $1980.00
- Motionsports $4980.00
- Murdered: Soul Suspect $1498.00
- MX vs. ATV Supercross $4997.00
- My Body Coach 3 $1299.00
- Panzer General: Allied Assault $560.00
- PowerUp Heroes $6980.00
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show $2598.00
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking $1980.00
- Rise of the Tomb Raider $7998.00
- Risen 3: Titan Lords $4997.00
- Risk $1490.00
- Risk: Urban Assault $1194.00
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior $990.00
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory $1998.00
- Star Riders $560.00
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $4997.00
- The Escapists $2248.00
- THIEF $1498.00
- Tomb Raider (2013) $4975.00
- Trials Fusion $2980.00
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War $1980.00
- Watch_Dogs $2980.00
- Worms: Revolution $2800.00
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem $1400.00
- WRC 5 $2499.00
- Yar's Revenge $560.00
- Zeit² $1120.00
- Zombie Driver HD $1400.00
- Alien Rage $3000.00
- Alone In The Dark (2008) $11.225,00
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 $12.475,00
- Black Knight Sword $7475.00
- Child of Light $8990.00
- CloudBerry Kingdom $4000.00
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon $27.475,00
- Enemy Front $8999,00
- Far Cry 4 $17.580,00
- Fantastic Pets $17.580,00
- Fighters Uncaged $8980,00
- Final Exam $6308.00
- Fireburst $2000.00
- Handball 14 $3990,00
- Handball 16 $8990,00
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America $2000.00
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia $2000.00
- Just Dance 2014 $15.980,00
- Just Dance Kids 2014 $7980,00
- Just Dance 2015 $15.980,00
- Just Dance 2016 $23.980,00
- Just Dance 2018 $19.980,00
- Just Dance 2019 $25.980,00
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $7485,00
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary $19.975,00
- Mini Ninjas Adventures $3000.00
- Motionsports Adrenaline $8980,00
- Motionsports $13.980,00
- Murdered: Soul Suspect $7485,00
- MX vs. ATV Supercross $19.975,00
- My Body Coach 3 $5990,00
- Panzer General: Allied Assault $2000.00
- PowerUp Heroes $29.980,00
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show $8980,00
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking $8980,00
- Rise of the Tomb Raider $43.980,00
- Risen 3: Titan Lords $19.975,00
- Risk $5980.00
- Risk: Urban Assault $5980.00
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior $4490.00
- Snipers $5990.00
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory $9,980,00
- Star Riders $2000.00
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $19.975,00
- The Escapists $7485,00
- THIEF $7485,00
- Tomb Raider (2013) $12.475,00
- Trials Fusion $9980.00
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War $1980.00
- Watch_Dogs $13.980,00
- Worms: Revolution $10.000,00
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem $5000.00
- WRC 5 $8990.00
- Yar's Revenge $2000.00
- Zeit² $4000.00
- Zombie Driver HD $5000.00
- Alien Rage $17.70
- Alone In The Dark (2008) $49.75
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 $74.75
- Black Knight Sword $32.25
- Child of Light $39.80
- CloudBerry Kingdom $27.00
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements $79.80
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon $74.75
- Enemy Front $17.70
- Far Cry 4 $79.80
- Fantastic Pets $74,75
- Fighters Uncaged $59.80
- Final Exam $32.67
- Fireburst $13.50
- Handball 14 $19.90
- Handball 16 $59.90
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America $13.50
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia $13.50
- Just Dance 2014 $79.80
- Just Dance Kids 2014 $59.80
- Just Dance 2015 $99.80
- Just Dance 2016 $159.80
- Just Dance 2018 $139.80
- Just Dance 2019 $179.80
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $44.85
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary $124.75
- Mini Ninjas Adventures $20.25
- Motionsports Adrenaline $79.80
- Motionsports $79.80
- Murdered: Soul Suspect $37.25
- MX vs. ATV Supercross $124.75
- My Body Coach 3 $29.90
- Panzer General: Allied Assault $13.40
- PowerUp Heroes $139.80
- Puzzle Arcade $20.25
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show $59.80
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking $59.80
- Rise of the Tomb Raider $99.80
- Risen 3: Titan Lords $124.75
- Risk $25.80
- Risk: Urban Assault $39.80
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior $12.30
- Snipers $29.90
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory $49.80
- Star Riders $13.40
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $124.75
- The Escapists $37.25
- THIEF $37.25
- Tomb Raider (2013) $99.75
- Trials Fusion $59.40
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War $19.80
- Watch_Dogs $59.80
- Worms: Revolution $67.50
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem $33.75
- WRC 5 $59.80
- Yar's Revenge $13.40
- Zeit² $27.00
- Zombie Driver HD $33.75
- Alien Rage €0.99
- Alone In The Dark (2008) €3.74
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 €4.99
- Black Knight Sword €2.49
- Bloody Good Time €0.95
- Child of Light €2.99
- CloudBerry Kingdom €1.89
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon €4.99
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements €2.99
- Dogfight 1942 €0.94
- Fantastic Pets €7.49
- Far Cry 4 €3.99
- Fighters Uncaged €1.99
- Final Exam €1.64
- Fireburst €0.94
- Geon: Emotions €1.42
- Handball 16 €3.99
- IHF Handball Challenge 14 €0.99
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America €0.94
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia €0.94
- Just Dance 2014 €3.99
- Just Dance Kids 2014 €3.99
- Just Dance 2015 €3.99
- Just Dance 2016 €7.99
- Just Dance 2018 €7.99
- Just Dance 2019 €9.99
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men €2.99
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary €7.49
- Mini Ninjas Adventures €1.42
- Motionsports Adrenaline €1.99
- Motionsports €1.99
- Murdered: Soul Suspect €2.24
- MX vs. ATV Supercross €7.49
- My Body Coach 3 €1.99
- Panzer General: Allied Assault €0.95
- PowerUp Heroes €5.99
- Puzzle Arcade €1.42
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show €7.99
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking €2.99
- Rise of the Tomb Raider €9.99
- Risen 3: Titan Lords €7.49
- Risk €1.99
- Risk: Urban Assault €2.99
- Rotastic €0.95
- Self-Defense Training Camp €5.99
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior €0.69
- Snipers €1.99
- Splinter Cell Chaos Theory €2.99
- Star Raiders €0.95
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 €7.49
- The Escapists €2.69
- THIEF €2.24
- Tomb Raider €6.24
- Trials Fusion €3.99
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War €2.99
- War World €0.95
- Watch_Dogs €5.99
- Worms: Revolution €4.74
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem €2.37
- WRC 5 €3.99
- Yar's Revenge €0.95
- Zeit² €1.89
- Zombie Driver HD €2.37
- Alien Rage $0.99
- Alone In The Dark (2008) $3.74
- ArcaniA: Gothic 4 $4.99
- Black Knight Sword $2.49
- Bloody Good Time $0.99
- Child of Light $2.99
- CloudBerry Kingdom $1.99
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon $4.99
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements $3.99
- Dogfight 1942 $0.99
- Enemy Front $0.99
- Fantastic Pets $4.99
- Far Cry 4 $5.99
- Fighters Uncaged $3.99
- Final Exam $1.64
- Fireburst $0.99
- Geon: Emotions $1.49
- Handball 16 $1.99
- IHF Handball Challenge 14 $0.99
- Hunter's Trophy 2 America $0.99
- Hunter's Trophy 2 Australia $0.99
- Just Dance 2014 $5.99
- Just Dance 2015 $5.99
- Just Dance 2016 $7.99
- Just Dance 2018 $7.99
- Just Dance 2019 $7.99
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $2.99
- Legend of Kay - Anniversary $7.49
- Mini injas Adventures $1.49
- Motionsports Adrenaline $3.99
- Motionsports $3.99
- Murdered: Soul Suspect $2.24
- MX vs. ATV Supercross $7.49
- My Body Coach 3 $1.99
- Panzer General: Allied Assault $0.99
- PowerUp Heroes $9.99
- Puzzle Arcade $1.49
- Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show $3.99
- Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking $3.99
- Rise of the Tomb Raider $7.99
- Risen 3: Titan Lords $7.49
- Risk $1.99
- Risk: Urban Assault $2.99
- Rotastic $0.99
- Self-Defense Training Camp $7.99
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior $0.69
- Snipers $1.99
- Star Raiders $0.99
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 $4.99
- The Escapists $2.99
- THIEF $2.24
- Tomb Raider $4.99
- Trials Fusion $3.99
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War $2.99
- War World $0.99
- Watch_Dogs $3.99
- Worms: Revolution $4.99
- Worms: Ultimate Mayhem $2.49
- WRC 5 $3.49
- Yar's Revenge $0.99
- Zeit² $1.99
- Zombie Driver HD $2.49